Detailed Area Plan

Detailed Area Plan

Detailed Area Plan


The Detailed Area Plan (DAP) is a comprehensive urban planning tool that guides the development of a specific area. In Bangladesh, DAPs are developed by local authorities, such as the Dhaka City Corporation or Chittagong Development Authority, to incorporate various urban strategies, policies, and development plans into a single framework.    

The purpose of a DAP is to provide a clear vision for the future development of an area, including plans for land use, transportation, housing, and infrastructure. The DAP also outlines the steps and procedures necessary for implementing these plans and ensuring sustainable and equitable growth in the area.    

In Bangladesh, the development of DAPs has become increasingly important due to the rapid pace of urbanization and the need for effective planning to manage the challenges that come with it, such as traffic congestion, housing shortages, and environmental degradation.    

Overall, the implementation of DAPs in Bangladesh is expected to promote efficient and sustainable urban development, and improve the quality of life for residents in the area.    


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