Terms & Conditions

Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to all text, images, audio and other content on this site are owned by Resido. Users are allowed to view the website, to download the content.

Terms & Conditions

Access to and use of the Resido website is subject to the following terms, conditions, and relevant laws of Vietnam.                                                                

1. Copyright                                                               

Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to all text, images, audio, software and other content on this site are owned by Resido and its affiliates. Users are allowed to view the contents of the website, cite the contents by printing, downloading the hard disk and distributing it to others for non-commercial purposes, providing information or personal purposes. Any content from this site may not be used for sale or distribution for profit, nor may it be edited or included in any other publication or website.                                                            

2. Content             

When you make a purchase offer on a home, make sure you fully understand all of the conditions specified in your contract. Such as-                                                        

  1. “Effective Date” Some important contingency clauses should include financing, home inspections, closing costs, and the closing date, among others.                                                     
  2. "Relation with Clients" Most contracts will contain contingencies, so it is important to know all of the issues that may affect your deal.                                                     
  3. "Property Rights" all copyrights, patents, registered and unregistered design rights, database rights, trademarks and service marks and applications for any of the foregoing, together with all trade secrets, know-how, rights to confidence and other intellectuals.                                                     
  4. "Processed Material" For the avoidance of doubt, it includes all content posted on the Website by the user or otherwise provided to matibazar by the User.                                                     
  5. ''Registration Details'' the details which a User must provide on registration.                                                    
  6. ''Service '' The provision of the Website as a property portal. "Unacceptable" - Material which under the laws of any jurisdiction from which the Website may be accessed may be considered either:- illegal, illicit, indecent, obscene, racist, offensive, pornographic, insulting, false, unreliable, misleading, alleged to be or actually defamatory or in infringement of third party rights (of whatever nature and including, without limitation, any Intellectual Property Rights); in breach of any applicable regulations, standards or codes of practice (notwithstanding that compliance may not be compulsory); to contravene legislation, including without limitation, that relating to weapons, animals or alcohol; might harm matibazar.                                                    
  7. "Registration" In registering for this Website, the User must provide true, accurate, current and complete Registration Details which the User must update after any changes (except age) before using the Website for further services in the future.                                                  



3. Note on connected sites             

At many points in the website, users can get links to other websites related to a specific aspect. This does not mean that we are related to the websites or companies that own these websites. Although we intend to connect users to sites of interest, we are not responsible or jointly responsible for our employees, managers, or representatives. with other websites and information contained therein.