Buy / Sell

The easiest way to advertise your property to millions of buyers and seller.

Buy / Sell

1. Discuss specific requests with sales experts :
Our sales experts will meet with you to understand your specific requests, the purpose of your purchase as well as any queries relating to real estate in Bangladesh. They will also take into account your purchasing affordability.

2. Get in touch with our customer service:
Once you have selected one or more properties that fit your criteria, get in touch with our CS agents who will take your precise requirements and pass the information onto a matibazar expert to guide you on your real estate journey.

3. Be the owner of your dream home :
After these steps have been met, the property will be handed over and registered to your name. The last step now is to enjoy yourself as the proud owner of the property you have been dreaming.

4. Property selection and arrangement of viewings :
Your matibazar sales expert will select appropriate properties based on your defined requirements and present the properties to you. Those selected will be handpicked to your requirements with verified documentation and legal clearances to ensure your confidence in every property.

5. Property details collection & validation :
With your trust gained and your customized plan now laid out, Matibazar will collect important information regarding the property itself; the location, size and condition. Information of this nature helps us evaluate your property so we can discuss the best approach to selling your property such that your objectives are met successfully.

6. Legal documents for verification :
Matibazar collects legal documents relating to your property in order to confirm the validity of the property and owner, and to advise on the requirement of updates or missing documents. This ensures that upon finding a valid buyer, there are no hiccups in the process.

7. Sell your property with ease of mind :
After these steps have been covered, all that is left is for you to do is wait while we handle everything until your property is sold. Prospective buyers come to us daily to access the best property listings in the country. When a buyer shows interest in your property, we engage with them on various matters.