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Detailed Area Plan

The Detailed Area Plan (DAP) is a comprehensive urban planning tool that guides the development of a specific area. In Bangladesh, DAPs are developed by local authorities, such as the Dhaka City


Market Research

With a growing population and increasing urbanization, the demand for residential properties in Bangladesh is on the rise. This has led to the development of new residential projects in cities such as Dhaka


Challenges with Land Acquisition

Bangladesh has a complex system of land ownership laws, making it difficult to determine the rightful owner of a piece of land. This can lead to disputes and delays in acquiring land for development.


Homeowner Tips

: Familiarize yourself with the current real estate market in your area, including current home values, interest rates, and market trends. This can help you make informed decisions about buying or selling a home.


Industry Insights

Bangladesh is experiencing rapid urbanization, with many people moving from rural areas to cities. This has led to a growing demand for both residential and commercial real estate, especially in major cities like Dhaka and Chittagong.
